How did you first become connected with FAME?
I first became connected with FAME after browsing through MSU’s on-campus student organizations and being amazed at the fact that there was an organization that was solely meant to support and help foster youth. I’m happy to have come across the FAME program throughout my time at MSU, as it allowed me to connect with individuals who could relate to me in many ways on a personal level.
What services do you recall utilizing through FAME?
The services that I recall utilizing through FAME were the Finals Week Care Packages! I really used to look forward to Finals Week because I knew that FAME was going to support me and made sure I had all the essentials that I needed. When I was reading up on the FAME program prior to joining, this is what I recall immediately drawing me in – the Care Packages.
How was FAME beneficial?
FAME was beneficial because it provided a safe outlet for me to communicate with my peers and be vulnerable at times (I.e. Sharing my personal story in front of large groups). On a campus as big as Michigan State, it’s easy to feel alone and out of place – FAME opened their doors and made my peers and I feel welcomed from day one. It was also encouraging to see other foster youth break barriers by being in college and being active in a student organization such as FAME. Not many times do you hear or even see the success stories of foster youth, so it was fulfilling to be a part of a movement in which I could lead by example for those who would come after me.
What kept you engaged in FAME (with being so busy with academics and other on-campus organizations)?
What kept me engaged in FAME personally was the fact that there weren’t many men that seemed to be involved in the FAME program, in particular, men of color. I wanted to lead by example and step up whenever I was called on. I made it my business to be the example that other men could and should model. I saw the need in the program and wanted to provide in whatever ways possible. While I knew that there were other men who could benefit from the FAME program, I just felt as if more awareness needed to be shed on the FAME program – which is what I looked to do by being a visible and engaged student during my time.
When did you graduate from MSU?
I graduated from MSU in 2015.
What has life after graduation looked like? What are you up to now?
Since graduating MSU, I’ve had several significant achievements and accomplishments take place in my life.