FAME is a resource center for foster youth alumni attending MSU as well as for youth who were in kinship care, have experienced homelessness, or are otherwise independent. FAME exists to provide support and resources to these students during their time at MSU to help them be successful during their collegiate experience on MSU's campus and during their transition to becoming MSU alumni.
Some of the services FAME provides are:
FAME’s mission is to increase the educational outcomes of students at Michigan State University who have experienced foster care, kinship care, or had similar experiences by promoting access to, and successful completion of, higher education programs. This mission will be accomplished through establishing campus and community partnerships, developing supportive networks, and providing individualized services to students.
MSU FAME (formerly Foster Youth Alumni Services) was organized in 2007 by Dr. Angelique Day, herself an alumna of the foster care system. The program was created for two main reasons: to increase the educational outcomes of young people who age out of foster care and to ensure that once they are an MSU student they receive the support they need so that they graduate. MSU Today published an article in 2022 highlighting the program staff and recent alumni.
Chiquita Whittington is program coordinator and lead life skills coach. In addition, there is a Part-time Mentor Specialist, Ashley Hayden, and four social work interns on the team. Many university and community volunteers, agency professionals, and foster care alumni have contributed valuable time and resources to the program.
FAME is a Community Program within the Michigan State University School of Social Work. Each program provides outreach and teaching through field education placements, can serve as sites to develop best practices, and provide research opportunities to study program development and sustainability, among other topics.